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MSG - Forsyth Hawks
MSB - Chapel Hill Cheetahs
VG - North Wake Storm
VB - North Wake Storm

State Meet - FRIDAY - October 11, 2024
Ivey Redmon
788 Beeson Rd
Kernersville, NC

Rodney's email address -

Team Registration Due September 1, 2024.
Click here

Team Roster Due to NCHEAC -  September 27, 2024.
Click here

Team Payment Due October 1, 2024.
60.00 per team up to 10 runners.  If over 10, then 15.00 per each runner over 10.

Click here to pay.

Individual Registration and Payment Due October 1, 2024
Click here to register.  You can pay as you register or click link above to pay after

Mile Split Registration Due by October 6, 2024 (for teams and individuals).  Will open on September 1, 2024. 
 Click here to register.    Password will be needed. 

Click here for instructions to register as an individual on mile split.

Click this link for Meet Information.

NC Home Educators State Cross Country Championships
Ivey Redmon Sports Complex
Friday, October 11, 2024


Time Schedule:

1:00 pm – Facility Opens
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm - Course walk on your own if needed
2:45 pm - Coaches Meeting at the back of the timing tent
3:30 pm – Middle School Girls 2 Mile Race
4:00 pm – Middle School Boys 2 Mile Race
4:30 pm – Varsity Girl 5K Race
5:15 pm – Varsity Boys 5K Race
6:00 pm - Awards 

Important Meet Information:

Parking: Once you turn on Beeson Rd go approximately ¼ mile and turn right on the gravel drive at the three flag poles.  Park in the gravel lot that is at the end of the gravel road.  If this lot fills up spectators can continue down Beeson Rd past the flagpoles and park in the lot on the left before you get to the dog park.  If that lot becomes full Spectators should park in the lots by the baseball and soccer fields.

  • Packet Pick up: Coaches pick up your team packets at the timing tent, which will be the tent at the finish line.

  • Team tents can be set up in the field that is between the finish line and the gravel lot.  This area is fenced in

  • Race Format

    • Girls will run the first race, followed by the boys in both the middle school and varsity divisions.  The prescribed course distance for both girls and boys middle school races is 2 miles.   The prescribed course distance for both girls and boys varsity races is 5,000 Meters (3.1 miles).

  • Uniform

    • Each team member shall wear the same color and design team -issued legal uniform (jersey or t-shirt and same colored shorts)

  • A competitor shall wear the assigned competitor number (bib number) on the front of the jersey.  Race bibs must be pinned to the front of the competitor’s jersey, safety pins are provided in your team packet.  If you have any unused safety pins or race bibs, please return those to the timing tent.


  • Shoe Tags (Timing Chip) must be secured to the competitor’s shoe.  It is best to partly unlace the shoe and lace the shoe tag into the shoe and then tie making sure the tag will not fall off during the race.   If you would like zip ties to secure the tag to the shoe you can get those from the timing tent.  Coaches, it is your responsibility to collect the shoe tags from your team and return all shoe tags assigned to your team before you leave.  Any missing shoe tag will result in your school being invoiced $10 per shoe tag that is not turned in. 

  • ALL SHOE TAG TIMING CHIPS MUST BE TURNED BACK IN THE DAY OF THE MEET.  THE TIMER HAS TO USE THEM FOR ANOTHER MEET THE FOLLOWING DAY!  If any competitor leaves with a shoe tag timing chip they will have to return to the park to return the chip in that day NO EXCUSES.  So coaches make sure your athletes and their parents no this.

  • Please have your team on the starting line at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start of their race.

  • Parents and coaches should stay out of the timing area and finish line chute unless you have been assigned a duty in the finishing / timing area.  

  • Coaches, parents, and athletes are asked not to bother the workers in the timing and scoring tent while a race is finishing.  

  • Help make sure that the course stays clear during each race.  Please inform parents and your athletes of this.

  • .Team Scores

    • Team scores will be based on the team’s top five (5) finishers.  The sixth and seventh finishers on each team help to break ties in scoring.  Team points will be decided by the position each runner attains against other teams, not including individual runners.  Individuals get credit for their finishes, but places are not counted against team scores.

  • Awards

    • The winning girls team and boys and runner-up girls and boys teams trophies in each division.  The top five (5) finishers in each race will receive medals. 

Prior years info on the CrossCountry Archive page.